Friday, May 18, 2012

All Good Things Must Come to an End

I'm currently sitting in Santiago International Airport trying to figure out how the past 2 weeks are already over. It truly feels like just yesterday we were checking into Hotel America and going to our first fútbol game in Viña del Mar...time flies! I'm definitely not ready to go home but am trying to just appreciate the incredible memories I have made.

As I said, last night we had pizza with the students and director from USM. It was a blast and the pizza was really unique- for example, we tried a pie with avocado, chicken, ground meat, and fruit, to name a few. It was a perfect way to end such a great experience. We honored the Chilean students with small gifts we purchased at PITT before we departed, and in turn they presented us with USM hoodies! They're so nice- I'm wearing mine now. I feel extremely fortunate to have studied at this pristegious University and to have met so many amazing people.

Following dinner, we headed back to Hotel America and got ready before going out for one last night on the town with the Chilean students. Unfortunately, due to safety issues, we could not go to the club in Valparaiso, but made the most of our last night in Viña in the Casino Nightclub. I couldn't have asked for more fun! It's funny how a group of people from two different hemispheres and ways of life are able to connect so well with each other. To say that you have friends on the other end of the world is really special- and now I can. I am very fortunate.

This trip has probably had more of an impact on me than anything else has so far in my life. Two weeks really can change how you look at the world and how you look at others in general. The lectures and company visits have taught me so much about the world of business and what I want out of my career. The globe is becoming smaller and smaller each day and that's something I am appreciate of. I plan on studying abroad in a Spanish speaking country my junior year of college, and I would love to possibly do post-graduate work abroad in order to take my Spanish to the next level afterward. In this day in age, possibilities for an international career are truly endless- probably the key thing Plus3 has taught me.

We're about to board for Dallas, Texas. It will be a long flight and assuming all goes well, we should be back in the states by 6 am. Our flight from Dallas to Pittsburgh leaves around 9 am.

This experience is something that I will always hold in my heart for as long as I live. I am certain that the memories and experiences created will never be forgotten by any of us.

One thing's for sure- Chile hasn't seen the last of me.

Adios, amigos!

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